
This is the Model 2

It is an 8 channel number processor capable of calculating Pi to 7 digits in under 3 hours.

With its assistance I have also updated ytdlf to v0.7.1, adding small fixes. One of them is better support for merged files, like video files on reddit where it is better to use the merged format of bestvideo+bestaudio. You can try this on the following textual string called, which was submitted by B. R. Ewton, author of Ten Gallons of Trouble.

I have also provided a new streaming link to this post (very important).


What if…

I hadn’t done anything in Blender for months, so I started a project to re-make a prop from the 2002 film The Time Machine. The film itself is moving art. You could watch it simply for the visuals, or the music. It has been a favourite of mine since I first saw it. On reflection and despite appearances, it is remarkable what a dark story it has. It is sad at the beginning, it is sad in the middle, and dystopian doesn’t begin to describe the ending.

It took me 7 or 8 weekends to make, I have lost count. It is the most complex thing I ever made in Blender by several orders of magnitude, and I learned a lot about detail.

I put in as much detail as I could bear, and ended up making a few things that aren’t visible in the final render, like most of the battery bank console pictured below left. I knew the display on the main console wouldn’t be visible, but I just had to make it.

It might be the most excellent steam-punk contraption ever constructed.

A Chair

Update to YTDLF

I’ve made some long overdue fixes to the youtube-dl front-end. Hopefully this will inspire the youtube-dl developers to update as well.

I haven’t been doing the background art jams lately, so there hasn’t been any new Blender art to post. In fact I haven’t done any Blender in months. I should fix that.

There haven’t been any post-worthy updates either. I am just working, as usual, trying to finish a project. My game ideas keep getting better, you should watch this space. Maybe you could be part of the future.

The one that got away

Many months ago there was a game jam with the theme “a glass of water”, and I made this:

I had come up with a setting that has a very low art burden, and in my brain this meant I could fill up development time with fancy blender water physics sequences and groundbreaking new mechanics for adventure games. But time is something you have very little of in a game jam, and this I had yet to fully appreciate.

In the end the new mechanics were too good for such a small game, and I didn’t work on it any further. All I did for this project was this test scene and a lot of design. It is probably the cancelled project I spent the least time on, but the one I still feel most guilty about abandoning, because just look at it. It’s beautiful.

Background Blitz: Trash

Ocean view

Something I made for practice. It started with clouds, but they looked so good I added water, and then some much-needed mountain practice.

Background Blitz: House

Production update: I keep working on my game even though I am sick of it, because I am close to finished. :)


Is there a connection between the worms and the spice?

Background Blitz. Theme: Crazy Temperature.

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