I’m Playing: The Long Dark [sandbox alpha]

It’s cold outside. Relatively speaking that’s a good thing, much better than some of the other common weather conditions: Freezing, and frozen. Successive attacks by the same wolf have left much of my clothing in rags, useless against the weather, so I have to move quickly.

It’s three or four hours into the night. Visibility zero. I would never be out in the dark, except I’ve been starving and if I go to sleep I may not wake up again. So, as is often the case in The Long Dark, you abandon all plans and do whatever you can think of to survive the next few hours. (more…)

Posted under I'm playing, Reviews

Debian build for The Abtyon Case goes live

After some fiddling, and thanks again to the tireless work of the AGS community, I got the debian build up for The Abtyon Case. The linux build performs much better than I expected. I only had to fix one issue in the game before it was functioning roughly as well as the windows version. Even the distance dependant sound works.

The game performs equally well in wine, for anyone whose distro isn’t debian enough.

Posted under Games, Linux, The Abtyon Case

The Abtyon Case launches!

Okay, last post title to end with an exclamation mark (this week), I promise.

I just uploaded my game, and let the channel and AGS forums know. All I have to do now is sit back and wait for the awards to start rolling in. But seriously, this is my first game. I doubt I’ll be seeing it on GOG any time soon, but I hope you enjoy it none the less.

Posted under Games, The Abtyon Case

Tech Troupe lives!

Site’s live, thanks largely to wordpress and CSS. This is a temporary version of the site until the in-house version has gone through some more testing.

So, who are we? What do we do? The “We” is just “I” at the moment, and I’m getting close to completion of a medium-length adventure game made in AGS, which was to be a 3-week game jam-type exercise, but ended up taking me more than a year to complete. It’s called Tales From the Eureka Cluster : The Abtyon Case, and it should launch in a few days.

After that, I’m planning to spend a little time developing the initial version of a desktop app, which all kinds of creative people will hopefully find very useful. After that, we’ll see. I have a killer idea for a story, that could probably work as a novel, and I’d also like to make a few smaller AGS games with the talented members of the AGS community (or anyone else that’s interested).

I still got some more QA to do, so until launch, consider having a look at the ##Indie-Games channel on freenode.

Posted under Future plans, Games, Site, The Abtyon Case
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